Fitness Golf Tip Must Focus On The Golf Swing

There is no way that you can separate a good fitness golf tip from a good well executed golf swing. The golf swing is the most strenuous aspect of the game and a good golf fitness tip is one that helps you improve on your golf swing.

The impact and follow-through is just as important.

The basics of a proper golf swing are universal. A proper golf swing actually consists of three separate segments that every golfer should work on in their efforts to develop and improve their golf swing. A good golf fitness tip must be able to help a golfer achieve this objective.

The three segments of a golf swing are the backswing, the downswing and finally the impact and follow-through.

A useful golf fitness tip should be able to help as you carefully work on each of the three segments separately in an effort to get the right positions and movements. This is how golfers work on improving their golf swings.

Every proper golf swing starts at the legs and the hips and not the arms where many golfers place most of their attention and emphasis. This is precisely the reason why proper exercising that is golf-specific usually has such a huge impact on most people in terms of dramatically improving their golf games. A good golf fitness tip can address any of the golf muscles involved in this particular part of the golf swing.

The golf fitness tip can also address golf conditioning. Golf conditioning exercises have the effect of preparing the individual muscles and parts of the body used in a golf swing, so that your movements and follow-through come almost effortlessly and as naturally as possible. Without exercise, the proper golf swing movements only work to strain unprepared, weak and therefore tense muscles.

Although golf has always been viewed as a leisure sport, the truth of the matter is that the modern golf player has to condition his body and muscles in many parts of his body, not just arms.

Fitness golf tips can play a major role in improving the golf swing.

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Playing Golf And The Art Of Zen

Are you looking for better results? To change, we must change out perspective. Good golfers are always ‘in’ the game, especially before each and every shot. 

While to the onlookers, this may seem effortless, but there is so much going on in the mind of a golfer.  

This reminds of a scene in The Legend of Baggera Vance, where Bobby Jones steps up to the ball, to tee off. Will Smith tells Matt Demon to look at Jone’s eyes, and tells him to observe how he looks at the field. He concentrates, takes his position, takes his practice swings, his mind and body in rhythm. The result is nearly perfect as a drive should be. 

This point of view may be far fetched and some may even object to it, but many will find some truth in the statement – Golf is a Zen experience. This is true for all golfers who are good at it, no matter how much they joke around and be goofing off.

Zen is exactly this – being present physically and mentally in each and every moment at all times. As some people call this living life to its fullest, but this feeling is different. Zen is experiencing energy in every moment of life. It’s a feeling of living life to the fullest and appreciating every moment for what is given.

So can we then call Golf, a Zen Experience? 

Let’s see…

Zen coincides with Golf in all aspects of the game. When the heart and soul is in the moment, a golfer takes notice of everything around themselves. The player feels the breeze, recognizing its force and direction, but effortlessly. Then they notice the feel of the grass as they walk down the fairway, but they are still not under pressure to be thinking about their shot. 

The player will then note the distance to the green, the weather conditions and select appropriate club. 

The player will focus on only one thing that the next shot and nothing else, but again without the pressure of thinking about it. 

The pressure to perform makes the player tense and this spoils the shot. On the other hand a Zen golfer would be calm and would trust his or her body.  Once the mind and body are in sync, and then make the shot. 

He is aware that his shot may not be perfect always, as the golfer would have intended. The difference would be in the attitude. For a Zen golfer, a bad or imperfect shot will not affect him at all and he would get ready for the next. But this will definitely adversely affect others, who stress over every shot. 

Non-Zen golfer would get bogged down and keep thinking and cursing. These negative thoughts would affect his entire body language and will feel defeated even before the result. Since the body and mind are not in harmony, the entire game after the bad shot will get affected; this would be followed by another bad shot. Any good shot will be looked upon as an accident, luck or a fluke.

Change your perspective – Change your outcome🏆

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Golf – 5 Ways To A Better Golf Score ⛳️

For a few golfers improving their score is all about making small adjustments in their mechanics that can shave a stroke or two off their already great score, but for the majority of golfers, learning some basic golf tips can knock off several strokes from each round and help them play much better golf very quickly. So here are some tips that have been proven to be very effective in shooting a better golf score for the average golfer.
* Get some golf lessons. Yes, you can just go to the driving range and try to do your best on your own, but if you want to make the most progress in the shortest amount of time possible, you need to get at least a few lessons under your belt. It will get you off to a good start and help you enjoy the game instead of just feeling like you are fighting it all the time instead. And there is no substitute for having a qualified teacher give you personal attention and help adjust your swing mechanics in person.
* ⛳️ Use enough clubs to get to the hole. It’s amazing how many golfers assume that they can muscle a shot up to the hole and use a club that is one or two clubs too short on their approach shot. Instead, get to know your club distances by going to the driving range first and writing down how far each club length carries for you in distance on the average. Then use that as a guide to help you decide how much club you need to get to your target instead of just using the same club that someone else just used, or making an overly optimistic guess. You can shave lots of strokes off your game if you hit most of your greens instead of come up too short and have to pitch it on all the time.

* ⛳️ If your ball is only a foot or two off the edge of the green putt it instead of using a wedge. A lot of amateur golfers think that they need to use a wedge at all times when they aren’t on the green, but that is not necessarily so. In fact, a lot of golfers would be able to get the ball closer to the hole if they putted the ball instead of pitching it in those situations, especially if your short game is not all that good. So if its within a few feet of the green try the putter first and see if it doesn’t give you better results.
* ⛳️ Keep your head as steady as you can in your swing. This is often one of the most common mistakes that golfers make on the backswing. By moving your head this causes quite a few swing flaws that will adversely affect your contact with the ball. Think of your head as the pivot that the rest of your body turns around, almost as if it were nailed into position. Of course, it’s not possible to keep it absolutely still, but the quieter your head is in the swing, the more solid contact you should be able to make with the ball.
* ⛳️ Keep your sense of humor. Golf is a trying game even for the best players in the world. So don’t expect to be perfect or even come anywhere close to it. Be able and willing to laugh at yourself and not take yourself or the game too seriously, at least not to the point that it loses its fun for both you and others who are playing with you. A little good humor can go a long way.
⛳️ These tips and suggestions may seem very simple, and for the most part they are, but if you put them in practice you can be sure of both shooting a lower score and having fun every time out on the course.


Four Ways to Beat the Long Hitter

How to beat the golfer that bombs the ball 300 plus yards. Hit it straight!
Nothing gets inside a long hitters head faster then a fairway hitting opponent. Chances are the long hitter is not the most accurate driver of the golf ball, keep the heat on by hitting the fairway as much as possible. If you have to use a hybrid club or a iron off the tee to keep the ball in the fairway, the mental edge of hitting the fairway outweighs the loss of distance.

  1. Hit the green
    Most of if not all of the time you will be hitting first, keep the heat on by hitting the green If he knows you are looking at birdie putts all day, it starts to wear on him
  2. Have a good short game
    The short game is the true equalizer on the golf course. If you have a sharp short game you can compete against any golfer on the planet.
  3. Ignore his distance
    Accept the fact the he hits the ball 50 to 60 yards past you. If you accept the fact that distance doesn’t matter, you will have another psychological advantage. What difference does it make if he is hitting a pitching wedge and you are hitting a 7 iron for your second shot? Golf is all about getting the ball in the hole in the fewest strokes, not how you got the ball in the fewest strokes.

When you are playing a match against a long hitter, and lets face it, with the technology in golf clubs, golf balls, strength training and nutrition, guys are hitting the ball 300 plus yards on a regular basis. The fact still remains that when you are on the golf course you are walking (or riding) with a bag of tools. It is just a matter of using the right tool for task at hand. Does it really matter what club it takes you to hit a golf ball 150 yards? Weather it’s a 6, 7,8 or 9 iron should not matter to you, and your opponents club selection should be the last thing from your mind during a match.

The pride of the long hitters game is hitting it long, so the fact that you can compete with him without having to hit the 300 yard drives is already a advantage in your favor if you choose to look at it that way. As a short hitter you should focus on keeping the pressure on as much as possible. The four steps that I have outlined will give you the mental edge that you need to negate the long drives that your opponent is blasting past you.

Consistently is key 

Visualization is key 

Attitude is key

Playing your own game not the other players is key 

Going for the gusto is not recommend as a plan of action is key.

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Popular Golf Terms – Basics

Explanation of Popular Golf Terms There are numerous golf terms that are used in almost every game that is played, yet often it is virtually impossible for someone who is new to golf or just does not understand golf to understand the terminology. Some of the most popular terms are listed below to ensure that you know exactly what is being said while you are out on the green. Of course, this list is not absolute, but this list will help you get started successfully.

Back Nine – This is the last set of 9 holes that are on the golf course. This is determined by the order that the course is played in. For example, if you start playing on hole 1, the back nine would refer to holes 10-18. However if you started playing on the 10th hole it would actually refer to holes 1-9.

Birdie – This is when a score for a particular hole comes in one stroke below par for the particular hole that is being played. This means if the hole being played is a par -3 then the score must be a 2, if the hole is a par -5 it must be a score of 4.

Bogey – This is a score that comes in a single point over the par. For example, if you are playing a par -3 hole then a score of 4 would be a bogey. In going further, anything that was a par -5 would need a score of 6 to be a bogey. This is just an example and is not restricted to only certain pars.

Bunker – This is what is created as a depression in the ground that is generally filled in with sand, which provides a greenside hazard that needs to be avoided. While the bunker typically shows up in the greenside, it is possible for them to also along the fairways or even beside the fairways.

Green – This is what the very end of a hole is call where the flagstick is located. This is typically, where you will putt out the rest of the hole. The shape can vary, however most are either oblong or oval shape.

Handicap – This is an indication of the overall playing ability that a player has. It is generally compiled based upon the last several scores that have been played as well as the course rating and the slop ratings that accompany the courses that were played. Generally, someone who has a typical average of 10 over par will have a slightly better handicap. In terms of handicaps, someone with a 2 is better than someone with a 3 or higher handicap.

Hole – This is the exact area where the flagstick resides to mark the exact location of the hole on the green. In addition it is also often referred to as the as the specific hole on a course – for example a golf course typically has 18 holes.

Over par – This is the term used to describe any score that comes over the par for the course or even the individual hole. An example would be a score that was 5 on a hole that was a par -4. This would result in an over par. However, while this can refer to just a specific hole it can also refer to the entire course as a hole as well.

Par – This is considered the expected number of strokes in which it takes to actually sink the ball. To determine the par you should take at least 2 for putts, then add strokes based upon the length of the green. Very long greens will require higher values. A very long green would allow a par of 5 for example, while a short green would only allow a par 3. The par number is generally added both for the individual hole as well as for the entire golf course as well. This allows players to see exactly what they are looking at distance wise before they even begin playing.

Happy Golfing


Its never too early to start golf neither is it ever to late – no matter ones age.

A Better Golf Swing For Any Golfer

A better golf swing is inevitable for any golfer, with the right approach. It doesn’t matter age or ability. It’s a reality and can happen very quickly! To achieve a better golf swing, a golfer needs to realize just how physically demanding it is on the human body. You swing an object (golf club) at up to 100 mph. This puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. If these tissues of the body are weak, tight or brittle they will rupture and eliminate you from playing golf indefinitely. If it doesn’t, your performance will pay the price. The outcome either way is not what you want, but will happen without an emphasis on strengthening these areas. Along with strengthening comes stretching. Stretching muscles to attain a better golf swing is common among most golfers. Although it is common, most golfers don’t stretch. Why? Because it is viewed as ‘work’. But if it were viewed as a form of golf improvement it would be a different story. Swing mechanics cannot be improved if your golf specific strength and flexibility are ignored. It is an impossibility, unless you compensate for this lack of capabilities in your golf swing. Teaching pros are now starting to realize there is a definite connection between golf swing mechanics and fitness. But that’s where the BIG gap is. Between instruction and physical fitness. This is the ultimate combination for total golf performance and I have been preaching it for several years now. When your physical capabilities are improved, your golf swing mechanics become much easier to achieve. The next time you visit your teaching pro, to achieve a better golf swing, you’ll be able to do what he/she wants and the desired outcome will be achieved. This outcome is inevitable when you get your body moving better. Your golf swing mechanics fall into place. It will only be a matter of time when all golfers will approach their golf improvement this way. It’s the only way that will warrant lasting results and ultimately a better golf swing.

When your physical capabilities are improved, your golf swing mechanics become much easier to achieve.

The Importance of Having a GHIN Rating in Golf

Many golfers will know and possibly use the standard handicap system in golf.  This has seen changes over the years and there are more to come in 2020. The World Handicap System will be in place in 2020 and available to golfers across the globe.

You may already know about the World Handicap system but for those based in the United States, the GHIN Handicap Program may be new.  For many of you, this may be the first time you have heard of GHIN or perhaps you have seen it before but never understood how it is used.  Let’s address that now.

What is a GHIN Handicap?

GHIN means ‘Golf Handicap and Information Network’ and it is a handicap service offered to golf clubs around the United States by the United States Golf Association.  This is not an old system and has been in use since the early 1980’s.

Imagine owning a golf club and having to keep track of every individual golfers score and handicap?  It is a tiresome task and for popular golf clubs with many members, keeping individual scores and working out handicaps can be a real problem.

This is where GHIN can help.

Basically, GHIN is a software solution that makes recording and sharing handicaps of golfers in the United States easy.  Golfers can post their scores themselves by having access to the GHIN system. It is a simple case of adding the score, confirming the other information on the screen and GHIN will show the score and automatically save it in the system.

GHIN uses touchscreen technology to make the whole process efficient and having used it once, golfers will take a matter of seconds to record their scores or view their handicap information.

Why Use the GHIN System?

As a golfer, you want to enjoy playing golf with friends but you may also want to enter competitions.  How do you play against better golfers at your club if you do not have a handicap?

Playing against better golfers is going to happen when entering a tournament and if you do not have a handicap, you will be at a huge disadvantage.  However, a GHIN Handicap will allow you to play a superior opponent on a level playing field.

By playing against more experienced golfers you will learn new things and that is vital to your development as a golfer.  Imagine playing against the same people every week, you know their game inside out and you know how to beat them. Where is the fun in that?

You want to get out there and challenge yourself on the golf course and GHIN allows you to do that with ease.

In addition, you may decide you want to try playing at a new golf course.  You can find one which uses GHIN and play using your handicap without having to worry about anything.  You can check your GHIN Handicap anywhere, anytime using a GHIN number.

So, why not sign up for a GHIN handicap today?  You will have instant access to your handicap information and can use it to enter tournaments and play on various courses around the country.


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Understanding The Basic Types Of Golf Clubs


For those new to golf, it can seem ridiculous to need 14 different clubs just to smack a ball enough times to get it to the end of the course. However, as you play the game more and more you will begin to see that all of the different types of golf clubs will almost certainly come in handy quite often. Here I will outline some of the most important key things that you need to understand about golf clubs. After you understand these, you can start to perfect you own ability to choose the best club to use at any point in the game. This, along with a powerful and accurate swing, is how you can begin to win more and more games.

The first type of golf club is a wood. To the contrary of what the name suggests, the heads are not made out of wood. Usually woods are made out of hollow metal, usually steel or titanium. They are designed to allow for the greatest distance with each stroke. Out of the 14 clubs in a standard set, the woods make up less than half. They are usually used on the long and straight portions of the golf course, since they allow for the greatest distance with semi-decent accuracy. The accuracy is certainly not the strong point of the woods, and usually it takes plenty of practice to be able to keep the ball on a straight course. Woods are also the longest clubs in the set.

Irons come next, and they are used most frequently throughout the game. They are very versatile compared to the other two types of clubs, and therefore make up a larger amount of the clubs in your bag. They can still achieve fairly large distances, though not quite as far as the woods can. Depending on which particular iron you use, you can have a much higher level of accuracy and get the ball a lot closer to where you want it to be. There are many different kinds of irons that have very specific uses, such as those that are meant to get you out of the sand traps or pop the ball up over an obstacle.

The final type of golf club is the putter, and a standard golf bag usually only contains one of these. These are used on the putting green at the end of the course, or in other parts of the course that require delicate accuracy. They are meant to be the clubs with the shortest distance and the highest accuracy, usually only going a few yards to the target. Balls hit with putters are not meant to fly up in the air. Rather, they are just pushed lightly along the ground where they will roll gently to the target. Putting is arguably the most important part of the game, so it is a good idea to get a nice putter and practice a bunch with it.

These 3 types of clubs are the basis for the game of golf. When you begin to start recognizing when you should use a wood or an iron, that is when you are beginning to get a hang for the game. Until then, you will just have to practice all you can with the golf clubs that you have.

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Choosing Between Graphite and Steel Golf Clubs


Choosing the right golf club is an extremely important part of improving how you play the game. If you are able to get golf clubs that work extremely well for your golfing style, you will notice an immediate improvement in your game. Usually beginner golfers don’t put much thought into the clubs they use. Perhaps you have just been using your grandfather’s old clubs that you dug up out of the attic, or maybe you bought some cheap clubs at a yard sale. If you ever want to be a serious golfer, you will need to buy clubs for yourself and choose some that will compliment your playing style. You can accomplish this by changing the shaft length, the head size, and many other details. One of the choices you will have to make is between graphite and steel, the two most popular materials. The one you choose can greatly affect your swing (or work with what you have already learned).


Graphite  is best known for being a lighter and more flexible material. Again, this does not necessarily make it a better choice, since it all depends on what kind of golfing you do. If your strokes are a bit slower than average, a flexible graphite club could be the best choice. The flex of a club can be classified into 4 different ratings: Ladies, Regular, Senior, and Extra Stiff. Graphite clubs rarely fall under the Extra Stiff rating. If you feel that you need the extra stiff clubs, you would probably be better off with a steel club. The best thing you can do is to simply give a few test swings at the club store, and figure out what feels the most like what you have used in the past. Make sure it is something you could use for an entire game, and won’t become uncomfortable.


The other choice being steel which usually is the cheaper choice of the two. Because of its lower price, many view it as inferior to graphite. However, this is not true at all. If you have a golfing style that works well with steel clubs, there is no reason to go for the more expensive graphite. Steel is much more durable, so you can expect steel clubs to have a longer lifespan than graphite clubs. Steel is heavier than graphite; some view this as a negative point, but some prefer to really feel the weight of the club as they swing it. Steel is also quite a bit stiffer than graphite (which has a higher flexibility). This is partially your personal preference, but your pre-developed swinging style may also tell you something that you wouldn’t otherwise know. If you tend to have rather fast swings, you will want to stick with clubs that are stiffer. Steel offers this, but fast swings coupled with heavy clubs can be potentially dangerous, so make sure you always have a tight grip.


It’s likely that you are feeling a little bit overwhelmed at making these important choices about your future clubs. This is normal for a beginner, especially since each of the materials has a lot to offer. If you really want to make sure that you make the right choice, you can get in touch with someone who is more experienced in picking out clubs. This might be a seasoned golfer or just a club store employee. Either way, they will be able to give you good advice simply by watching you swing at the ball a few times. The speed of your swing and several other things about your method will give them hints as to what you should choose. But as long as you think hard about your choice and then stick with it in the future, you should be able to choose clubs that are ideal for you, and are made out of a material that feels natural when you swing it.


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