Why Tiger Woods’ Golf Swing Technique Is So Effective

Golf sensation Tiger Woods’ golf swing technique has been the subject of many interesting studies.

Golf sensation Tiger Woods

One thing that has come out very clearly from this leading golfer’s style and his golf swing technique is his amazing flexibility and high fitness level which have contribute tremendously to his golf career. A career that has seen him crowned in the minds of many as the undisputed greatest golfer in the history of the sport.

The Tiger Woods golf swing technique sees Wood utilizing his flexibility at the back of his swing to comfortably reach far back.

As he begins his swing, his level of fitness and muscle strength enables him to build up club head velocity by turning his torso quickly and pressing his right leg forward. There is minimal waste of energy as he maintains his position above the golf ball.

Driving through, Woods uses his hips, shoulders and wrists to concentrate his force and create a high initial ball speed. Research has shown that within a few feet off the tee, the ball is usually traveling at about 180 miles per hour. The average tour pro usually manages only 160 miles per hour.

If you have carefully watched woods and his golf swing technique, you will note that he usually allows the club head’s momentum to extend his follow-through far around his back, thus completing a long and smooth club-head rotation.

Tiger’s golf swing technique cannot possibly be achieved by somebody who is not physically fit or somebody who does not work out regularly. In fact achieving an effective golf swing technique these days requires conditioned muscles that will enable you to perform consistently and at your best.

Gone are the days when golf was viewed as a leisure sport where players would move around the course in electric golf cars to avoid breaking into a sweat of any kind.

This is not to say that a good golf swing technique calls for rigorous golf strength exercising and golf stretching. Actually, most of the critical golf-specific exercises involve stretches. There is also the lifting of light weights to build specifically on strength rather than muscle.

Clearly golf-specific exercises are the only way to develop a good golf swing technique.

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Fitness Golf Tip Must Focus On The Golf Swing

There is no way that you can separate a good fitness golf tip from a good well executed golf swing. The golf swing is the most strenuous aspect of the game and a good golf fitness tip is one that helps you improve on your golf swing.

The impact and follow-through is just as important.

The basics of a proper golf swing are universal. A proper golf swing actually consists of three separate segments that every golfer should work on in their efforts to develop and improve their golf swing. A good golf fitness tip must be able to help a golfer achieve this objective.

The three segments of a golf swing are the backswing, the downswing and finally the impact and follow-through.

A useful golf fitness tip should be able to help as you carefully work on each of the three segments separately in an effort to get the right positions and movements. This is how golfers work on improving their golf swings.

Every proper golf swing starts at the legs and the hips and not the arms where many golfers place most of their attention and emphasis. This is precisely the reason why proper exercising that is golf-specific usually has such a huge impact on most people in terms of dramatically improving their golf games. A good golf fitness tip can address any of the golf muscles involved in this particular part of the golf swing.

The golf fitness tip can also address golf conditioning. Golf conditioning exercises have the effect of preparing the individual muscles and parts of the body used in a golf swing, so that your movements and follow-through come almost effortlessly and as naturally as possible. Without exercise, the proper golf swing movements only work to strain unprepared, weak and therefore tense muscles.

Although golf has always been viewed as a leisure sport, the truth of the matter is that the modern golf player has to condition his body and muscles in many parts of his body, not just arms.

Fitness golf tips can play a major role in improving the golf swing.

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Playing Golf And The Art Of Zen

Are you looking for better results? To change, we must change out perspective. Good golfers are always ‘in’ the game, especially before each and every shot. 

While to the onlookers, this may seem effortless, but there is so much going on in the mind of a golfer.  

This reminds of a scene in The Legend of Baggera Vance, where Bobby Jones steps up to the ball, to tee off. Will Smith tells Matt Demon to look at Jone’s eyes, and tells him to observe how he looks at the field. He concentrates, takes his position, takes his practice swings, his mind and body in rhythm. The result is nearly perfect as a drive should be. 

This point of view may be far fetched and some may even object to it, but many will find some truth in the statement – Golf is a Zen experience. This is true for all golfers who are good at it, no matter how much they joke around and be goofing off.

Zen is exactly this – being present physically and mentally in each and every moment at all times. As some people call this living life to its fullest, but this feeling is different. Zen is experiencing energy in every moment of life. It’s a feeling of living life to the fullest and appreciating every moment for what is given.

So can we then call Golf, a Zen Experience? 

Let’s see…

Zen coincides with Golf in all aspects of the game. When the heart and soul is in the moment, a golfer takes notice of everything around themselves. The player feels the breeze, recognizing its force and direction, but effortlessly. Then they notice the feel of the grass as they walk down the fairway, but they are still not under pressure to be thinking about their shot. 

The player will then note the distance to the green, the weather conditions and select appropriate club. 

The player will focus on only one thing that the next shot and nothing else, but again without the pressure of thinking about it. 

The pressure to perform makes the player tense and this spoils the shot. On the other hand a Zen golfer would be calm and would trust his or her body.  Once the mind and body are in sync, and then make the shot. 

He is aware that his shot may not be perfect always, as the golfer would have intended. The difference would be in the attitude. For a Zen golfer, a bad or imperfect shot will not affect him at all and he would get ready for the next. But this will definitely adversely affect others, who stress over every shot. 

Non-Zen golfer would get bogged down and keep thinking and cursing. These negative thoughts would affect his entire body language and will feel defeated even before the result. Since the body and mind are not in harmony, the entire game after the bad shot will get affected; this would be followed by another bad shot. Any good shot will be looked upon as an accident, luck or a fluke.

Change your perspective – Change your outcome🏆

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Surprising Golf-Tips & Recovery-Shots

A Better Golf Swing Is Inevitable

A better golf swing is inevitable…for any golfer, with the right approach.  It doesn’t matter age or ability.  It’s a reality…and can happen very quickly!

To achieve a better golf swing, a golfer needs to realize just how physically demanding it is on the human body.  You are swing an object (golf club) at up to 100 mph.  This puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles.

If these tissues of the body are weak, tight or brittle they will rupture and eliminate you from playing golf indefinitely.  If it doesn’t, your performance will pay the price.  The outcome either way is not what you want…but will happen without an emphasis on strengthening these areas.

Along with strengthening comes stretching.  Stretching muscles to attain a better golf swing is common among most golfers.  Although it is common, most golfers don’t stretch.  Why?  Because it is viewed as ‘work’.  But if it were viewed as a form of golf improvement it would be a different story.

Swing mechanics cannot be improved if your golf specific strength and flexibility are ignored.  It is an impossibility, unless you compensate for this lack of capabilities in your golf swing.  Teaching pros are now starting to realize there is a definite connection between golf swing mechanics and fitness.

But that’s where the BIG gap is.  Between instruction and physical fitness.  This is the ultimate combination for total golf performance and I have been preaching it for several years now.  When your physical capabilities are improved, your golf swing mechanics become much easier to achieve.

The next time you visit your teaching pro, to achieve a better golf swing, you’ll be able to do what he/she wants and the desired outcome will be achieved.  This outcome is inevitable when you get your body moving better.  Your golf swing mechanics fall into place.

It will only be a matter of time when all golfers will approach their golf improvement this way.  It’s the only way that will warrant lasting results and ultimately a better golf swing.

If you seek to learn a near effortless swing our recommendation is to review some of the articles in our blog. 
More Soon!

A Better Golf Swing For Any Golfer

A better golf swing is inevitable for any golfer, with the right approach. It doesn’t matter age or ability. It’s a reality and can happen very quickly! To achieve a better golf swing, a golfer needs to realize just how physically demanding it is on the human body. You swing an object (golf club) at up to 100 mph. This puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. If these tissues of the body are weak, tight or brittle they will rupture and eliminate you from playing golf indefinitely. If it doesn’t, your performance will pay the price. The outcome either way is not what you want, but will happen without an emphasis on strengthening these areas. Along with strengthening comes stretching. Stretching muscles to attain a better golf swing is common among most golfers. Although it is common, most golfers don’t stretch. Why? Because it is viewed as ‘work’. But if it were viewed as a form of golf improvement it would be a different story. Swing mechanics cannot be improved if your golf specific strength and flexibility are ignored. It is an impossibility, unless you compensate for this lack of capabilities in your golf swing. Teaching pros are now starting to realize there is a definite connection between golf swing mechanics and fitness. But that’s where the BIG gap is. Between instruction and physical fitness. This is the ultimate combination for total golf performance and I have been preaching it for several years now. When your physical capabilities are improved, your golf swing mechanics become much easier to achieve. The next time you visit your teaching pro, to achieve a better golf swing, you’ll be able to do what he/she wants and the desired outcome will be achieved. This outcome is inevitable when you get your body moving better. Your golf swing mechanics fall into place. It will only be a matter of time when all golfers will approach their golf improvement this way. It’s the only way that will warrant lasting results and ultimately a better golf swing.

When your physical capabilities are improved, your golf swing mechanics become much easier to achieve.
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